The figure below attempts to highlight concepts of variable declaration and scoping discussed previously:
(Form1)Option Explicit
'General Declarations Section ...
Public intA As Integer Private intB As Integer
Private Sub MySub1()
Dim intC As Integer
intC = intA 'OK – intA is public (declared in this form) intC = intW 'OK – intW is public (declared in Module1) intC = intB 'OK – intB is a module-level variable of this form intC = intD 'Error – intD is local to MySub2 intC = intX 'Error – intX is private to Module1
End Sub
Private Sub MySub2()
Dim intD As Integer
intD = intA 'OK – intA is public (declared in this form) intD = intW 'OK – intW is public (declared in Module1) intD = intB 'OK – intB is a module-level variable of this form intD = intC 'Error – intC is local to MySub1 intD = intX 'Error – intX is private to Module1
End Sub |
(Module1)Option Explicit
'General Declarations Section ... Public intW As Integer Private intX As Integer
Public Sub MySub3()
Dim intY As Integer
intY = intA 'Error – qualification required intY = Form1.intA 'OK – intA is public (declared in Form1) intY = intW 'OK – intW is public (declared in this module) intY = intX 'OK – intX is a module-level variable of this module intY = intZ 'Error – intZ is local to MySub4 intY = intB 'Error – intB is private to Form1 intY = Form1.intB 'Ditto
End Sub
Public Sub MySub4()
Dim intZ As Integer
intZ = intA 'Error – qualification required intZ = Form1.intA 'OK – intA is public (declared in Form1) intZ = intW 'OK – intW is public (declared in this module) intZ = intX 'OK – intX is a module-level variable of this module intZ = intY 'Error – intY is local to MySub3 intZ = intB 'Error – intB is private to Form1 intZ = Form1.intB 'Ditto
End Sub |